We are excited to announce that the SHRIMP Tool is getting a brand new look this summer!  The SHRIMP tool will move to a new platform to improve your user experience and make managing your DIMP plan easier than ever.

Signing up for SHRIMP is easy!

You can subscribe or renew to use the SHRIMP Tool online or if you prefer, you can complete this PDF form.



How much does SHRIMP cost?

SHRIMP is a complete DIMP compliance program, meeting all the requirements of the DIMP rule. While intended for small utilities it may be used by ANY utility.   Proceeds are rolled back into technical support and enhancements to SHRIMP.  SHRIMP prices are meant to be affordable for small systems**. SHRIMP fees must be paid at once and in full for each year. Monthly payment schedules are not accepted.

System size* (# of services)

*For master meter and LP piping system operators # of units served


1-1,000 $19/year
1,001-5,000 $395
5,001-20,000 $995
20,001-35,000 $1,995
35,001-50,000 $2,995
50,001-75,000 $3,995
Over 75,000 $5,000

DIMP rule was posted in the federal register as of December 4, 2009. SHRIMP was completed July 30, 2010.

Registration and Refund Policy

The fee for SHRIMP covers creation of a DIMP plan for one (1) system. At the system’s discretion it may grant other individuals (e.g. consultants, state regulators, employees of the system) access to the system’s information on SHRIMP.* IF YOU ARE REGISTERING MORE THAN ONE SYSTEM FOR SHRIMP, PLEASE EMAIL SIF AT SHRIMP@APGASIF.ORG FOR MULTIPLE REGISTRATION INFORMATION.

Please allow five (5) business days from application submission date for APGA SIF to verify user information. APGA SIF will notify the system main contact when approved. Please note that SHRIMP will not be accessible until full payment is received.

SHRIMP access is valid for twelve months after payment is initially processed or after the current expiration date has passed. Access to SHRIMP will be discontinued after 12 months unless a renewal payment has been processed. Current pricing at the time of renewal will apply if a system is renewing an expired account.

If paying by check, please make payment to “APGA SIF” with “SHRIMP” written in the memo section.

A 100% refund will be given if the SIF does not approve the utilities request to prepare a DIMP plan through the SHRIMP program.

No refund will be given if a user chooses to discontinue SHRIMP after payment has been received and access has been given to their SHRIMP subscription.

Yearly subscription pricing and system size categories are subject to change without notification.

If multiple systems are registered under one SHRIMP plan (subdivided) or if a single system is subdivided within one SHRIMP plan, the total meter count must be disclosed to the SIF and the meter count must be updated annually.

A single SHRIMP account cannot be subdivided across state lines. Each state will require a unique SHRIMP account.

This policy applies to the SIF SHRIMP integrity management plan subscription.

*Operator Qualification and other SIF program policies are separate.